A Complete Guide To Buying Blue Diamond

Of all coloured gemstones, blue diamonds are believed to be one of the rarest & most valuable types. In conditions of rarity, blue rocks are just like unusual red, red, and violet rocks. While all blue diamonds are uncommon, the deepest blue ones are credited to high color strength. The bigger the loose gemstone, the rarer it is to find, and for that reason, as a blue gemstone gets larger, the worthiness goes up. Learning much more to learn everything about these elegant blue stones.

What can cause the coloration?

Although seemingly surprising to find such a lovely colored diamonds that’s not manmade, blue diamonds are, indeed, created in character. Just as some other diamonds is created, blue diamonds are no different in the actual fact they are components of carbon fused collectively during times of extreme warmth and pressure over an incredible number of years.

The Component Boron

The component, boron, is the primary reason behind a diamond’s blue color, but nitrogen also is important in deciding the strength of the blue. If nitrogen is low through the formation procedure for the diamond, then your diamond’s firmness will be much richer when blended with the high degrees of boron.

Normally, blue diamonds are located using their color, however in order to prep them for jewelry, the trimming and polishing included may affect the colour.

Where are natural blue diamonds found?

Just a few locations in the world produce blue diamonds. The Cullinan mine in South Africa and the Argyle mine in Australia are the only mines where blue diamonds are available. However, before, these rocks were also recognized to be suffering from in the Golconda mine in India.

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Popular charms items created from blue diamonds

Blue gemstone engagement bands, earrings, and necklaces are among a few of the most popular options for blue gemstone jewelry. However, a blue diamond’s rarity has, subsequently, made the worthiness quite high, making these charms options rather expensive. While they may be more valuable than almost every other diamonds, the worthiness of the blue one depends upon the same factors such as color, strength, size, and slice.

blue diamonds

Natural vs lab-made diamonds

While blue diamonds can be normally found in character, they may also be stated in a lab. Obviously, lab grown variations are less valuable than their natural counterpart. The primary difference between both of these types of is the colour.

To start with, the manmade blue diamonds are actually white gemstones which have been treated with warmth. Therefore, they aren’t truly blue diamonds whatsoever. Second, manmade gemstones generally have a noticeably different firmness than blue diamonds within character. This difference in hue can immediately explain an imposter blue gemstone to a gemstone professional.

What colors can they come in?

That said, however, blue diamonds will come in a number of colors but still be considered as natural. Additionally, they could be found in right blue, grayish blue, violet-blue, and greenish-blue. But as stated, the deepest, richest blue diamonds will be the most valuable because of the rarity. Combined with the spectral range of hues, the gemstones may differ in intensity that may also in the end impact the worthiness of the gemstone.

The primary difference between natural and laboratory blue diamonds

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The colour is not the only difference between natural and manmade blue diamonds. The boron in an all natural blue diamonds provides stone the capability to carry out electricity, clearing marking a definite difference between your two stones.

Popular Blue Diamonds

Typically the most popular blue gemstone is the Blue Moon Gemstone. This large fancy-colored rock is an impressive 12 carats of perfect blue. This gemstone has such a higher rarity that whenever procured with a billionaire in Hong Kong, its price reached over 48 million dollars. Oddly enough enough, the billionaire didn’t buy it for himself, but instead, he procured the stunning rock for his seven-year-old child.

Some people just make reference to the gemstone as the Blue Moon Gemstone, its proper name is the “Blue Moon of Josephine,” called following the billionaire’s daughter. Furthermore, this rock was not only expensive, but instead it was the priciest gemstone ever bought, no matter color, at a public sale.

Furthermore, its price-per-carat also broke information to be the best ever sold. This diamonds within South Africa in 2014 is actually incredible, but it isn’t the first gemstone that the billionaire has purchased for his child. In fact, he or she is recognized to commonly purchase gemstones at public sale and name them after his dearest Josephine.

How are blue diamonds doing today?

Within the last few years, an archive quantity of blue diamonds has been within the rough. Not merely are the gemstones breaking information in conditions of amount, but also in proportions. These blue rocks which have been lately found have been a few of the highest appreciated blue diamonds ever found. The costs will continue steadily to rise as the demand is increasing, however the supply is reducing. Therefore , investing in a blue diamonds gemstone today could be not only smart but also an investment that increase in value as the years pass.

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