Tips For Creating Successful Event Videos

In the event that you could travel back in time for only a few hours, what occasions do you want to witness? The storming of the Bastille? The Gettysburg Address? Jimi Hendrix tearing in the stage at the original Woodstock music festival? History is full of occasions that changed everything for better or worse – even if the people there at the time didn’t necessarily realize it. What would you give to be a part of some groundbreaking event that you missed to begin with, and relive one particular special occasions at your own convenience?

Through video content marketing, localized events have grown to be more accessible than ever. Now, you can help capture your brand’s best live events and activations and then share them with an exponentially larger audience online which could ever hope to possibly attend in-person.

event videography services can be considered a terrific method for your brand to help alleviate FOMO by bringing even your most exclusive events to the people who otherwise do not have the possibility to partake in them. And with video content more popular than in the past within the last couple of years, this presents the perfect chance for you to hook up to audiences already thinking about your events, while also expanding your brand for Millennial viewers.

With all that at heart, here are seven simple techniques for making sure that the next event video is flawlessly produced and creatively successful.

1. Choose YOUR LOOK

Before you start filming your live event, ensure that you have an obvious concept of what you want the finish product to be. You will discover countless reasons to create video content, which means that your video should be aligned towards a focussed, achievable goal right away. Seeking to educate viewers about your brand and its services with a live demonstration? Then a simple TED Talk-style video, with your cameras attached to tripods, my work best. But if you’re trying to capture the flashy, explosive energy of a concert to attract audiences for another one, a close-up highlight reel could be a better option. Think about what kind of event you’re filming, think about what you want to buy to accomplish, and then get started building a production framework following that.

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2. Make A Plan

Due to the inherently spontaneous nature of live events, you may feel like you can just contact some camera ops and then have them wing it. But the exact opposite holds true: Event videos require equally much-if not more-planning and pre-production when compared to a traditional video. Map where you are in advance, stick to a good time schedule, and ensure that everybody in your crew knows their responsibilities. Remember, unlike with a traditional video shoot, if somebody bungles their take, calling “cut” is no option.

3. Prep Your Sound

Arguably the hardest part of live event filming is ensuring your sound quality stays up to snuff. It’s possible that you’ll not not need the chance to use traditional mics while active a venue, meaning you may want to either use smaller mics for each and every individual camera or (if this is an event with performances that utilize microphones) plug straight into the venue’s audio system. But even then, be careful. Because your audio tracks sounds good on the venue speakers will not mean that it’s recording well. Have a sound engineer on-hand to carefully monitor for peaking, distortion, and other potential music issues.

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4. Keep It Consistent

When you yourself have multiple cameras filming multiple aspects of a live event, it’s important to check that of your footage stays stylistically and technically consistent. Set your white balance beforehand, rather than counting on every individual camera’s “automatic” setting, for a crisp, regular shoot. If there are any special considerations that must definitely be made due to venue’s lighting (particularly if it’s outside or elsewhere inconsistent) determine those prior to the shoot so that the complete crew has a plan of action ready.

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5. Believe In B-Roll

Even once you’ve checked off every frame of your shotlist, don’t deposit that camera! Your b-roll footage will be especially invaluable throughout a live shoot – things such as shots of the audience can help establish context for the function, make scene transitions easier, and cover up any cuts that you may have to unexpectedly add during post-production. And believe us when we tell you that there will be unexpected problems to cope with through the creation of a meeting video.

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If you are filming a live event for an event video, you cannot help but take on an extra aspect of risk. Rather than just your professional crew and camera-ready talent, you must additionally be accountable for an environment that had not been designed with your shoot at heart, as well as individuals in it – most of whom will not be overly aware of (or care about) your equipment, team, etc. Less awareness equals less safe behavior, so always choose safety over getting the shot. Organize gear in a way that prevents it from obstructing walkways, and make an effort to scout out any potential environmental hazards, like uneven stairs or rickety platforms, far in advance. Keep one eye on your subject, and one eye on the world around you, to avoid slipping, cracking, breaking, bruising, or worse.

7. Act The Part

This last tip may seem to be somewhat silly, but remember that when you’re filming for a meeting video, you remain a representative of your brand or company. Everybody in your crew must behave as professionally as is possible, from their types of dress (no sloppy sweatpants) to the way that they interact with attendees. The event itself is the focus, and seriously disrupting it for the purpose of article marketing will create ill will among your audience. Always be respectful, be unobtrusive, and treat others just how that you’ll want to be treated.

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By following these seven tips, you can guarantee that your event video all fits in place as intuitively and effectively as is feasible. Don’t let FOMO keep you from connecting with a fresh Millennial audience – create your event video today and {experience the|go